I was stuck in a mental jail of my own creation, knowing my problems, and with no way out! If you feel the same way, I know the combination to get you out!
About Vera
Practices and modalities are great; however, I value results. When I discovered the PSYCH-K® techniques, I was finally able to change my subconscious beliefs using techniques based in neuroscience, and suddenly my true life’s calling was revealed to me! Therefore, I became a Preferred Affiliate PSYCH-K® Facilitator. In addition, I am now a Certified Brain Coach with the Brain Academy at in order to help my clients with healthy, easy-to-implement habits to prevent Cognitive Decline at any age with brain health and new neurogenesis discoveries.
I have always seen the potential in others, and now I have to tools to assist you in realizing your goals and aspirations by freeing you from outdated beliefs, traumas, and habits where change has the most impact: On the subconscious level of the mind.
I was raised in France with a first-generation French-Ukrainian mother and a Russian father. I had a traumatic birth experience and a difficult childhood that set the stage for an inner life of pain and struggle. I became an expert at analyzing situations and behavior; however, back then, I did not know what to do to actually have a measurable change in my daily life. Knowing and recognizing a problem is very different than being able to actually do something about it in order to easily experience the results in our daily life.
In truth, I have been coaching others my whole life; for years, I just didn’t know it was an actual career; it was what I loved to do. A lifetime of trial and error has been my greatest gift. Now, I can easily help you to update limiting beliefs and programs in addition to transforming traumas so that you become aligned with your best selves in order to lead a happier, more satisfying life.
In the past, I analyzed and used my willpower with little or no results. I felt so trapped and frustrated at the same scenarios repeating themselves over and over again with slight variations. I literally felt like I was in a mental jail that I could not break out. I invested in many programs, workshops, and self-help materials and got even more frustrated as I saw others have quantum leaps of progress but not me. Since then, I have realized that there are two kinds of brains. The one that immediately incorporates change with the understanding at hand and the one like mine that requires processes like PSYCH-K® to evolve. I would be honored to accompany you on your journey to free you from limiting beliefs, traumas, and old, outdated mental programs using the tools that transformed my own life.
Call, text, or email Vera at Coaching to Joy today to experience finally being free of old beliefs, traumas, and outdated mental programs.
Request a 20 minute Free Consultation with Vera
Tel: (630) 276-6274 Email: Vera
Bruce Lipton’s book The Biology of Belief (**) started this phase of my life journey. He led me to Robert M. Williams, whose groundbreaking work with easy techniques based in neurosciences gave me the answers and results I had always been searching for.
I own all the workshop materials in both English and French, as I am extremely fluent in both languages, having studied and lived for many years in both France and the US. I have been working online and in-person with clients for ten years, and my enthusiasm is still the same as when I started and maybe even stronger as I witness the transformations of people in front of my eyes on a daily basis. I encourage you to act and experience first hand the techniques! As you see and experience firsthand the potential in a first session, you can decide if you desire more results in your life.
When you change your beliefs, you change your life! It is the ripple effect with you as the starting point. You have been trapped for too long; invest in your freedom to believe what serves you instead of letting past beliefs decide your future.
Between 2013 and 2015, I completed the Basic Workshop, the Advance Integration Workshop, the Pro Workshop - Pro is now called Master Facilitation Workshop - and the Divine Integration Retreat several times each to refine the nuances and be proficient and to be an expert at facilitating balances. The Health and Wellness Program I completed last. The workshops and retreat took me to Atlanta, GA, to Chicago, IL, to Hammond Sport, New York State, to Denver, CO, to Paris, and to Plouaret Trégor in Britany, France.
The clarity with which Vera engages with this work is amazing. She asks questions that draw answers out that you don’t always realize are there. She is focused, and yet her joy is contagious. I always leave the session feeling like the best has been seen in me and brought forward! The insights and growth that I have experienced while working with Vera have been life-changing! Thank you to Vera for the continuing support and growth in my life!
- Pamela Russell, MAc.
Call Vera (630) 276-6274 | Email: Vera | f in