Let me guide you to free yourself of the limited mental restrictions from your past with ease and joy!


Free Your Mind... and become the Master of Your Beliefs rather than the Victim of their Consequences!

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One Online Session

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One Online Session

The session appointment duration is one hour and begins promptly. Additional session time, beyond the first 60 minutes, is billed in increments of 15 minutes.

One Session in Person

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One Session in Person

Session appointment duration is one hour and begins promptly. Additional session time, beyond the first 60 minutes, is billed in increments of 15 minutes.

Starter Kit

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Restorative Program

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Transformation at its Best with the
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Coaching to Joy!

I am a bringer of Joy. Joy is my business!

As a coach, my commitment is to help you find joy and satisfaction in your life, whatever that means to you. If there is something you truly want to change or achieve I believe there is a way and I will help you find it.

Using powerful tools along with EFT, EMDR, and the Law of Attraction, I walk with you until your life becomes one of joy and purpose .

I value our time, and use it to give you tools that will enable you to progress in any area of your life. Together we assess your needs and desires and determine the highest priority issues to focus on. I help you create paths to solutions and find the easy way to realize your dreams. All you need is within you and it is my great joy to help you access and use that inner wisdom.

We each have unique goals and challenges. Some issues can easily be resolved in one session while other things are more entrenched and complex. Depending on the issue a session may range from 45 minutes to one and a half hours.

Call me today for a consultation to explore the ways we might work together.

(I am available to work with you in person, by Skype, FaceTime, or on the phone.)

As an exceptionally dedicated facilitator, Vera is genuinely committed to transforming her clients’ self-limiting beliefs with rare talent. She comprehensively attends to subtle details in the balance process. Working with her, I have expanded my capacity to shift many core beliefs that were previously buried in my subconscious. No other facilitator tracks, reviews, evaluates, and redresses the progress her clients make, with such thoroughness and patience. With deep gratitude and appreciation.

- Paula Chiarmonte

"Vera, the first change I noticed after our session was a deep quiet calmness when I wasn't actively engaged.  What a wonderful experience!  Soon my entire work environment shifted.  I am now in a department that is a much better fit for me. So again thank you, thank you, thank you."

- Nancy C.

Coaching To Joy General Policies And Disclaimer

Call Vera (630) 276-6274 | Email: Vera | f  in